As in earlier Windows Versions the Feature Installation of .NET Framework 3.5.1 in Windows 10 is still needed if you have (legacy) Applications which are depending on it. By default, this feature is not enabled:
If you’re using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), enabling NET Framework 3.5 during a Task-Sequence is pretty simple due to a dedicated Step for Roles and Features. If you “just” have Configuration Manager without MDT, you need to do the (little) magic on your own.
1. Mount the Windows 10 ISO and navigate to the following Folder “\sources\sxs”
Starting with Windows 10 the structure of the sxs folder is different from before. With Windows 8 / 8.1 we had around 800 Folders. In Windows 10 this is reduced to one single file called “”
2. Grab that file and copy it to a new folder on your Package Share. Create a new file called “InstallNetFx3.ps1” in the same folder with the following content:
$currentLocation = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path; Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName NetFx3 -Source $currentLocation -LimitAccess -All
3. Create a new package in the Configuration Manager Console:
4. Enter a package name and set the source folder to the Package Share Folder which you just created with the two files:
7. Close the Create Package and Program Wizard:
8. Distribute the content of the created package to your Distribution Point(s) or Distribution Point Group(s):
9. Open your Windows 10 Task-Sequence and create a new Step “Run PowerShell Script”
10. Select your created package and enter the Script name as below. Don’t forget to set the PowerShell execution policy field to Bypass, otherwise the execution of the Script will fail:
11. Run the Task-Sequence. After completion .NET Framework 3.5 should be enabled as below:
Thanks a lot. I was struggling to get this working for a few days.
Thank you so much!
Looks great now… but now… I’ve this issue.
I’m using the the variable SMSTSPostAction (which contains actions to shutdown the computer) is not working anymore. And I look into the smsts.log and there are some errors at the end of the log… hummm …. 0x80004005 (fail to take client out of provisioning mode)… any clues for this?
Why not just do the following?
copy the following
Sxs folder contains :
xcopy “\\server\sources\sxs” c:\windows\temp\sxs /I /E /Y
dism.exe /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /Source:C:\windows\temp\sxs
much easier
How are your 2 lines of code any easier than his 2 lines of code?
dism.exe does not require the creation of a powershell script, which is handy if you have security GPO’s in place that prevent execution of unsigned scripts.
Worked perfectly 🙂
Thank you sir!
looks great and informative helped me to resolve my problem.Thanks
This is literally the only method that works on our Windows 10 Enterprise deployment. All the other sites I’ve seen try to call dism directly, which fails. The enable-windowsoptionalfeature is what changed it for us.
Unfortunately, neither this solution, nor the dism solution directly works for me.
But the advantage (or not) of this solution is that in logs I do not have error anymore. The script runs according to the log successfully. Nevertheless .net is not activated. If I run the script in my session, as administrator, the script works well. And .net is activated well.
A precision, I deploy Windows 10 LTSB
Have you got an idea ? Thanks for you help
I haven’t tried yet running this with the Windows 10 LTSB Branch. However, I would assume that it should work the same. If you still have this Problem, I would recommend opening a Thread in the TechNet Forums.
How to do it in MDT TS?
The Script is only needed in a ConfigMgr Scenario. In MDT, you can use the “Install Roles and Features” Step. Select “Windows 10” from the Dropdown and tick the Checkbox for the “.NET Framework 3.5” Component. Simple as that 🙂
Thanks! in the latest release of sccm I found this by editing my current TS and, Add > MDT > Install Roles and Features. Check off .net 3.5. Thank you!
Those are the MDT Steps which can be integrated into the ConfigMgr Console. When using those the above mentioned solution is no longer needed.
After searching a lot, finally this video helps me to fix .net 3.5 framework issue with windows10.
Thank you, sir!
Thank you, sir!
Worked for 1903 build for Toughbook mk4 CF-31WB87BLM and toughbook mk5 CF-31-5
InSCCM I created task sequence with windows 10 ent v1909 and created package and enter the Script . Some how is not working working.