It occurred to me more than once, that the ConfigMgr Client Binaries, which are injected into the Boot-Image, don’t match the Version of my current ConfigMgr Environment. For example, on …
I recently ran into an interesting issue, when setting up a Windows 10 Client for Upgrade Readiness behind a Web proxy. I used “ClientProxy=System” in the Deployment Script, meaning …
I was recently in need for a PowerShell Script, that will output all ConfigMgr Users, which no longer exists in Active Directory. I decided to write something on my …
Version 1.8.1 of ConfigMgr LogFile Opener has been made available. This Maintenance Release addresses some smaller issues. Release Notes General fixes Reverted DNS Client Check to ping which should …
When updating Applications to a newer Version in ConfigMgr, you often need to deal with Restarts after a successful Installation. This is mostly handled completely automatically by the Installer …